Invest in your relationship with yourself.

We invite you to join us in our pursuit to build community, spread education, celebrate joy, and increase access to Black wellness. Reviving Roots offers Black-centered and Black-affirming holistic mental health and wellness support with you in mind.

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Break those generational cycles. End the stigma.

Inter-generational trauma is real y’all. Some parts of our human experience can be passed down to us from our parents, our grandparents, and further into our family tree. Because of our trauma histories, we often stay quiet and do not seek the help we need. For a lot of us, our families promote a culture of “silence is strength” making us feel weak when we speak up.

This silence often leads to strong feelings of sadness, loneliness, anger, anxiety, social isolation, feeling lost, intense stress, and low self-esteem. Break those generational cycles y’all. Starting therapy can be the first step. You are strong.

“This service can help not only with generally improving mental health (and symptom reduction) but also really help develop a mindset of flourishing as the goal as opposed to just getting by.”

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